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I have been a licensed stylist fo

r 23 years. I had been on the hunt for a product line that would be exclusive to me for quite some time. I came across Monat and saw that this was a product line that my clients would have to come to me specifically to get...So I signed on with them. Monat has exceeded every single expectation I was hoping for! Not only is the product amazing, but it delivers exactly what it says it will.

As a stylist, I have tried a ton of different products and still after all this time, nothing I have ever used compares to what Monat's products accomplish. As a child, I struggled with Alopecia Aereata. It is a scalp disorder that creates sporatic bald patches. I was beyond amazed that the bald patches I've had for years had started to regrow hair! I'm so thankful for a product line that can 100% deliver the results my clients are looking for.

Monat has opened so many doors for me, my family and my clients. Doors I had no idea even existed. Clients are leaving my chair feeling more confident. I've created an entire second stream of income to help cushion finances for my family. I've earned free trips and made a multitude of new friends. I've earned a free Cadillac (paid for by Monat). And the list just seems to keep getting bigger as time goes on. I thank God for this opportunity. - Kim M. Colorado

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